BongaCams is the largest and nastiest free live sex adult webcam community in the world and one of the best free live sex video chats and live porn sites on the web.
This place has it all: free live porn shows, adult chat rooms, free live sex shows, free adult cam shows, free webcam shows, free live chatting, free sex chat, free porn cams, private and group webcam sex chats shows!
All HD XXX porn videos on Bongacams are submitted by their users. All models can upload their sex videos and view live sex videos feeds of others! Website is available both on desktop and mobile devices.
Free Live Sex Chat with thousands of attractive Web Cam Girls from all over the World.
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Pick a model of your choice and enjoy Free Sex Chat and live XXX Porn Shows or go into the Full Private room where all your dreams will come true!
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Free Live Sex Cams on Bongacams
BongaCams is an online video network connecting men and women from all over the world through high-speed live video chat with full audio support.
When you first arrive on Bongacams, you will only be granted guest privileges. This means that every time you enter a chat room, you will be given a random nickname, such as “Guest9505”.
Unfortunately, guests are not allowed to chat, so the logical thing to do would be to register for free. All you need to do is choose a username and password and enter your email address for verification. Your username will become your nickname.
After you have logged in, you can change it to any other name. This will be your free lifetime membership on BongaCams, meaning that you can come back anytime you want.
Once you login to your free account, you will have access to a variety of features.
Private and Full Private Chat
The private chat allows you to communicate with any Model you like one-on-one and face-to-face without worrying about other Members taking the Model’s attention away from you.
Even though Spy mode allows other Members to view everything that happens during a private show, direct communication with the Model is only reserved for the private chat participants.
All you need to do to invite a Model to a private chat is click the “Private Chat” button, choose “Private Chat” from the list, and click “Start”. Models can independently set the prices for all the types of private chats. The default price of a private chat is 60 Tokens per minute.
The full-private chat is very similar to the private chat mode – the main difference is that it provides full confidentiality and does not allow other Members to view your interactions with the Model.
Group Chat
A group chat is a mode that allows two or more users to be in a model’s private chat room.
Any user can send a group chat request by pressing the “Group chat” button in a model’s chat room.
All the participants of a group chat can chat with the model. You can join a group chat that has already begun by pressing “Join group chat”.
Models can initiate a beginning of a group chat and set prices of their own for the service. The default price is 30 Tokens per minute for each participant.
Tip Feature
The Tip feature is just a way for Members to transfer Tokens to the Model’s account. Tips are 100% optional, they are not compulsory to be given.
Some Members like to give tips after a private chat, while other Members prefer to give tips to the Model while she is in a public chat for simple personal requests or just to be nice.
Whether or how you use the Tip feature is entirely up to you. Tips are gifts, not bribes, so please do not send tips to demand something in return, that is not fair to the Models.
Private Messages
Premium Members can send private messages to the models any time.
Simply click the Model’s name in the chat users list with your left mouse button, select “Private Message”, and a private message window will open with the selected Model. You can also click any Member’s name to send them private messages.
Additionally, you can use the Message Centre feature to send longer private messages to Models and Members.
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